Creating a successful waste management program is far more complex than simply setting up containers and hoping people will sort their waste correctly. Effective programs require thoughtful planning, standardization, and ongoing education to ensure compliance and maximize waste diversion. For parks and recreation facilities, these challenges can be even greater, given the diverse range of visitors and activities.
To help you overcome these hurdles, we’ve curated a comprehensive list of 11 essential resources designed to help you refine your parks & recreation recycling and waste management strategies. Whether you’re looking to streamline your program, improve diversion rates, reduce contamination, or educate the community, these free resources offer expert guidance to transform your initiatives into model programs.
Let’s dive into the top resources that will help you elevate your waste management efforts to the next level.
If you’re still on the fence about implementing a recycling program in your park or leisure facility, this article will likely be a great resource for you. Not only does is outline some of the benefits of recycling in public spaces, but also provides tips for managing the economics of recycling, and how to get the public on board.
2. Public Space Recycling- A Review of Better Practices
Recycling in any public space can be challenging, it can be extremely difficult to get guests on board with your program. Check out this blog by CIF that outlines 4 important lessons when it comes to implementing a recycling program and how you can effectively communicate your program to guests.
3. Citizen Centered Services: New Forms in Public Space Recycling
This study tackles many unanswered questions for recycling in public spaces. Through user observation and ethnographic research (silent observation of the public), this thesis is able to address some of the major problems with recycling in public spaces and offer some tested solutions that are sure to help improve your recycling program.
4. Leisure: Taking Action on Waste
This fact sheet was produced by WRAP (Waste & Resources Action Plan) in the UK with the intention of providing quick facts and tips for reducing waste in the leisure sector. It is an extremely easy read, and although the numbers are based on UK stats, it still provides some amazing insight that will help address problems within your waste management program, and how to solve them. It also includes a link to their full research at the bottom of the PDF, in case you can’t get enough.
5. Development of Best Practices in Public Space Recycling
If you’re looking to grow your waste management program and even achieve zero waste, this is an amazing resource to help you implement new tactics and reduce waste in public spaces. It includes all kinds of tips from beginning a program to implementation, infrastructure, and budget, as well as goals for the future.
6. What to Look for With Outdoor Recycling & Waste Bins
This Busch Systems blog post, written by our Senior Sustainability Advisor, provides a comprehensive guide on selecting the right outdoor bins for recycling and waste management. It draws from personal experiences and expert insights, making it a valuable resource for those in the parks and recreation industry looking to enhance their recycling programs and infrastructure.
7. Top 5 Practices to Reduce Park & Recreation Recycling Contamination
Another Busch Systems blog post from our Senior Sustainability Advisor – this time focusing on how to reduce contamination and improve overall waste diversion in your program. In this quick read, Alec discusses some common mistakes that are made in recycling programs that may be hindering your diversion rates.
8. Waste Management in Selected National Parks: A Review
Although this paper was written about national parks, many aspects of it ring true with amusement parks as well. The review explains the importance of waste management and how to keep public areas clean, while arguing important factors of educating and communicating effective waste management to the public, or your guests.
9. Recycling Right in Public Spaces
This quick read was posted by the city of Toronto to help the public properly sort their waste in their public areas! Recycling guidelines are different in every region, which is why it is so important to help the public understand the importance of proper sorting.
10. Public Space Recycling Resources
Lastly, if you’re looking for a few more helpful resources, check out Keep America Beautiful’s webpage that includes a list of resources that will help you master your public space recycling program.
And there you have it! Plenty of resources to get your journey to sustainable waste management started. We’ll continue to update this page as we see more great information come down the pipe. And again, if you think we’ve missed some more resources, feel free to comment below.