If you look at certain bags, cartons, or paper stock, you may notice a small image or message regarding its recycled content, sometimes referenced as a percentage of Post-consumer materials. Curious as to what this label meant, we decided to do some research.

Post-consumer means that the product you’re using is garbage or waste “that’s been used by a consumer, disposed of, and diverted from landfills.” Simply put, it’s made of recycled material. This is often items such as paper or plastic bottles.

Pre-consumer waste is different, but you may also see this label on a product. This is waste that has never been sold to consumers. This could be scrap such as paper clippings from factories or defective aluminum cans that are reused to create more products. The experts suggest this isn’t a recycled product in the traditional sense, but it still benefits the environment.

For consumers who are interested in going greener, there are many ways to achieve this goal:

  • Use alternate modes of transportation, such as walking, biking, public transportation, or carpooling.
  • Consider using a refillable bottle. Plastic bottles take a long time to decompose.
  • Bring your own bags to the grocery store.
  • Cut back on your personal water usage.
  • Curb your unwanted junk mail.

Other Sources

Massachusetts – Office of Consumer Affairs. https://www.mass.gov/news/what-is-post-consumer-waste. Accessed October 25, 2024.
