What is Recycled Content?
May 30, 2016
Recycled Content is content that has been made from pre- and post-consumer material. Pre-consumer material is diverted Waste from manufacturing; Typically, this material has to be returned to their manufacturer such as returning leftover metal to a foundry for reuse. Post-consumer material is waste that is averted from landfills after a consumer has used it, like returning paper to a paper mill. Countries will often have standards in place for what is considered recycled content to ensure that the products are actually made from such materials.
The advantage of using recycled content is it is useful in the production of goods and it helps in the preservation of the environment and combating Climate Change. The use of recycled content reduces emissions by the collection of raw materials. Also, finding ways to use recycled materials will preserve the resources needed in manufacturing, making a convenient source of material for companies and allowing them to be sustainable for the future.
Other Sources
Canadian Competition Association. “Environmental Claims: A Guide for Industry and Advertisers.” Competition Bureau. June 2008. http://www.competitionbureau.gc.ca/eic/site/cb-bc.nsf/eng/02701.html. Accessed May 6, 2016.
Eustace, AshLee. “recycled content Certification.” Green Circle. http://www.greencirclecertified.com/recycled.html. Accessed May 6, 2016.