Sanitary Services Company (SSC) is a locally-owned and operated solid waste disposal company providing trash and recycling disposal services in Meridian, Idaho.
Recycling in Meridian is voluntary. The curbside recycling program began in October of 2000, and approximately 73 million pounds of recyclable waste has been diverted from the landfill through the highly successful curbside recycling program. Recycling bins from Busch Systems were a regular sight at the curb every week until the program went fully automated in October of 2009. The used recycling bins were donated to local schools to provide recycling in classrooms.
SSC is always looking for new and fun ways to promote recycling. In 2008, SSC produced two recycling commercials featuring animals recycling. The commercials were a hit with the local community, and showed people how easy it was to recycle. The commercials can be seen online at http://www.sscwaste.com/
Sanitary Services receives many requests for recycling talks. SSC recycling trucks are onsite for some of the presentations. At the end of the engagements, participants have a better understanding of what happens to trash and recycling after it is set out for collection both residential and commercially, as well as a greater appreciation for the people who work in the solid waste field.
Miniature recycling bins and miniature wheeled carts from Busch Systems are given out at each event, and are always a huge hit with kids and adults alike.
Thank you Busch Systems, for providing quality, durable products that have definitely made a lasting mark in our community!
Sanitary Services Company
Meridian, Idaho