Once you've filled your Deskside Bin with everything it can handle, tossed that refuse into your Centralized Bin, and then transferred it to your Transportation Bin, it’s time to put the recycling, waste and compost in the Commercial Recycling & Waste Bins at your collection program’s endpoint. This is so you can send it on its merry way to be recycled, reused, combusted or - if your program is not totally where you’d like it - to the landfill (not recommended).
These Dumpsters, as referred to most often, are exactly as you’re picturing them in your head. They’re huge and certainly wouldn’t be classified as the best-in-show, but they accept an extremely high capacity of refuse and are designed to be easily picked up from your local hauler.

To read about all the types of Recycling and Waste Bins, Click Here.