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What are Recycled Aggregates?


Recycled Aggregates is a term that describe crushed cement concrete or asphalt pavement from construction debris that is reused in other building projects.

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Asphalt pavement can be collected from roads, parking lots and runways and cement concrete can be collected from bridges, sidewalks and roads. Once collected and processed these recycled aggregates can be used in the construction of bicycle paths, pavement shoulders and in many other aspects of construction.

The use of recycled materials for construction is a sustainable move in the construction industry. It has numerous benefits including limiting the need for virgin aggregates, reducing energy consumption, reducing waste heading to the landfill and reducing emissions. Not only is it a great option for the environment, but using aggregate materials leads to cost savings and can be leveraged to gain credits for LEED certification.


Other Sources

“Recycled Concrete Aggregate.” Eco-Agg Concrete Recycling. Accessed August 18, 2016.

“The ABCs of Recycled Aggregate.” Ontario Stone, Sand & Gravel Association Accessed September 30, 2019.