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What is an Aerated Static Pile or ASP Composting?

July 7, 2016

Aerated Static Pile – or ASP Composting – is a form of organic composting used by farms in dealing with large volumes of livestock manure and animal feedstock. It has also proven useful among municipalities and communities in addressing compostable municipal solid waste items like food waste or yard debris.

In this system, pipes are placed underneath with a blower attached to push and pull air through the mound of organics. These pipes are first covered with a layer of wood chips and then a mix of watered compost is piled on top. This pile is finally covered with old, dry compost or another layer of wood chips to insulate and block odours. After a period of between 14 and 28 days, when the temperature or the moisture levels become low enough to limit efficient composting, the mounds are then cured and screened for sale.


Other Sources

EPA. “Types of Composting and Understanding the Process.” EPA. Accessed July 7, 2017.

Green Mountain Technologies. “Aerated Static Piles.” Green Mountain Technologies. July 5, 2016.

O2Compost. “Aerated Static Piles (ASP).” O2Compost. July 5, 2016.