Closed-Loop recycling is a recycling process where a recyclable item that has reached its end life is recycled into new product. This is commonly used my manufacturers of recyclable products and can be as simple as aluminium cans being recycled into new cans or plastic being reused for polyester material.
A Closed-Loop program is based on three principles: collection, manufacturing and purchasing. Collection is diverting and gathering materials that are recyclable so that they may be processed. In the second phase, manufacturing, the collected, recyclable materials are processed and then used in the production of a product. Finally, the newly made product is then sold to a third party before being reused and restart the process again.
Other Sources
“Closed-Loop Recycling.” Business Dictionary. Accessed July 29, 2016.
Mazzoni, Mary. “What Does ‘Close the Loop’ Mean.” Earth 911. Accessed July 26, 2016.
United States Environmental Protection Agency. “Recycling.” EPA. Accessed July 29, 2016.