Small acts when multiplied by many people can transform the world. Earth is the only thing we have in common, so let’s work together to protect it!
Over the span of 30 days choose one challenge each day to start taking steps towards an eco-friendly lifestyle!
Challenge 1: Reusable Water bottle
Instead of grabbing a plastic water bottle, use a reusable bottle. When plastic water bottles end up in the landfill, unfortunately this usually the case because only 9% of plastics are recycled, it will take 450 year to decompose.
Challenge 2: Shorter Showers
Taking a shorter shower reduces water consumption. I know this may affect the amount of time you get to showcase your amazing shower vocals, but just sing to your mirror instead!
Challenge 3: Buy Local
Purchasing local whenever possible reduces the impact of carbon emissions needed to import items from around the world.
Challenge 4: No more Straws
Straws are a harmful single use plastic that negatively impact our ocean life. Replace a single use straw with a metal or reusable one.
Challenge 5: Educate yourself on how to Recycle
Research your local recycling standards to ensure you are recycling properly. Did you know your cellphone can be recycled? Educate yourself on other opportunities to divert less common waste materials.
Challenge 6: Get Receipts Emailed
How often do you find a random receipt on the ground? How about in your purse? What about in the car? They are everywhere! Choosing emailed receipts when possible can reduce paper waste.
Challenge 7: Use Reusable Bags
Use a reusable bag instead of a plastic one when possible. OR you could always see how many items you can carry in your two hands? I mean, either way you are eliminating the need for a plastic bag, that’s a win for the environment!
Challenge 8: Donate Clothing
When you decide you no longer need an item of clothing, donate it! Giving it to donation centers instead of the landfill allows it the chance to regain purpose.
Challenge 9: Hang Clothes to Dry
Let your clothing air dry to avoid excess energy usage!
Challenge 10: Buy in Bulk
Avoid individual packaged items and opt to buy in bulk! This gives you the opportunity to shop at the bulk barn and buy as much candy as you want, just avoid the plastic bags and use something like a mason jar instead!
Challenge 11: Rinse out Recyclables
Wash all recyclables and let them dry prior to recycling to prevent contamination. Don’t know what recycling contamination is? Check out our recent blog here!
Challenge 12: Don’t Waste Water
Water is vital for life, try not to waste it! Turn off the tap when not in use.
Challenge 13: Purchase Sustainable Items
Every purchase matters. Purchasing sustainably means you are supporting products made ethically; that can save valuable resources such as water, land, and more.
Challenge14: Take a Cold Shower
Energy is required to heat water, so by taking a colder shower you can reduce your energy usage. I have also heard that cold water helps with your vocal range? *wink*wink*
Challenge 15: Recycle 5 Items
By recycling, you are diverting waste from the landfill and giving it the chance to be made into a new item. Be a part of the solution not the pollution!
Challenge 16: Turn the Lights off
Are you constantly being told to turn off the lights? Well you should listen! Turning off your lights is another simple way to reduce energy consumption.
Challenge 17: Say goodbye to Produce Bags
If you wash your vegetables or fruit when you get home, there is no reason for a bag anyway!
Challenge 18: Eco-Friendly Transportation
Bike, walk, rollerblade, carpool, magic broom stick, it really doesn’t matter to me! There are so many eco-friendly transportation options!
Challenge 19: Reusable Mug
If you go out and get coffee or tea, bring a reusable mug! Some places may even give you a discount. Save the earth and save some money!
Challenge 20: Buy Second Hand
Find value from other donations. One person’s waste is another person’s treasure.
Challenge 21: Sign an Environmental Petition
The earth is a fine place and worth fighting for! In your spare time, find a petition you are passionate about and sign it to show support!
Challenge 22: Divert of Organics properly
Are your eyes bigger than your stomach? Have you ever gone to the grocery store with a late-night craving and end up with far more food than you need? We’ve all been there. In times you have excess food waste, ensure you are diverting your organics from the landfill, so that you aren’t contributing to greenhouse gas emissions!
Challenge 23: Educate a friend about recycling
If you learn something, teach it to someone else! Let’s “recycle” learning
Challenge 24: Use Eco-Friendly Supplies
Research before you buy supplies. If you are feeling creative, make the supplies instead of purchasing them.
Challenge 25: Reuse Recyclable Items
Find a creative purpose for something recyclable! For example, turning a tin can into a plant holder, or using mason jars as storage, the list goes on!
Challenge 26: Read an Environmental Focused Blog
Educate yourself on the latest news about what is happening on earth! Read about recycling, forests or even the oceans. There are endless options!
Challenge 27: Switch to Paperless Mail when possible
Opt to receive mail though email when possible to reduce paper waste!
Challenge 28: Use the Dishwasher instead of Washing Dishes by Hand
Avoid using excess water. Dishwashers are the efficient way of cleaning as many dishes as possible, plus it is so much easier! It’s a win-win.
Challenge 29: Buy a Plant
Plants produce oxygen and we need oxygen to breath. Plant an entire garden if you want too! Every plant counts.
Challenge 30: Tell 5 Friends, to help everyone on the Planet
Let’s work together to save our earth by sharing our passion with others. It’s a domino effect.
If some of these challenges don't work for you, here are some options to switch one out:
- Power Down when Possible- Turn off everything you can, conserve energy!
- Wash Clothing in Cold- Conserve power that is needed to heat water
- Meat Free Day- Reduces greenhouse gas emissions.
- Share an Environmental focused Blog- Let other people know what you are interested in!
- Borrow before Buy- Avoid purchasing new if you can borrow.
Click Here for a Free PDF to Follow Along with the 30 Day Challenge!
I hope you join me in this Eco-friendly lifestyle challenge. These simple changes will help you make a difference in our world!