Here are some tips on how to be green at work!
Most people spend eight hours a day at work if not more and since we spend so much time there it makes sense that we put just as effort into making our work life green as we do in the other areas of our life. The office is a great place to continue your eco- friendly lifestyle or start embracing a greener life and we are here to help you do that! Here are some tips on how to be an eco-friendly employee:
If you know a coworker who lives close to you, ask them if they would like to carpool! Take turns driving each week or plan a schedule that works for the both of you. Both you and your coworker will save money and help the environment by keeping one less car off the road.

Do you live close to the office? Try walking or biking to work. Not only do you keep a vehicle off the road you get exercise without even having to go to the gym!
Take advantage of your office’s recycling program and be sure to recycle whenever you can. While recycling, make sure to use the right containers to avoid contamination. If you tend to have a lot of garbage and recycling at your desk, ask if you could have a desk size garbage and recycling bin under your desk. This will help you recycle without even having to leave your desk!
If your work place does not have a recycling program or has one that needs to be revamped, encourage them to start one or improve theirs! Check out the Resource Center for lots of great tips that can help you on this important adventure of creating a successful recycling program!
Join or Start a Sustainability Team
It might be convenient to leave your computer on all night so it’s already on when you start work in the morning but it wastes a lot of energy! So help the environment by turning off all electronics before you leave at the end of the day.

Save Electricity
A sustainability team is a great way for you to be green and to encourage your fellow coworkers to be green too! The sustainability team can help create recycling programs and inform coworkers on how to be eco-friendly. The Resource Center has lots of tools to help you start your sustainability team and recruit people including email templates, posters and much more!
Pack a Lunch
When you buy a lunch, there is often a lot of waste that is created because of the packaging. Making your lunch at home and packing it in reusable containers completely can help drastically reduce or eliminate lunchtime waste. An additional bonus is you get to save money and perhaps eat healthier!
Desk Plant
If you have room on your desk, add a plant. Not only will it add some décor it will also filter the air and get rid of carbon dioxide and pollutants.

Think Before You Print
Reduce the amount of paper you use by reading off your screen instead of printing. If you must print, consider reducing the font size, printing double sided and/or printing on recycled paper. Recycling just one ton of paper can save 17 mature trees and 7000 gallons of water!
Keep a Mug and Extra Cutlery at Your Desk
Your coffee habit can lead to you using up to 500 disposable cups per year! Let’s bring that number down to zero by keeping a mug at your desk. It does not have to stop at the mug, keep other essential utensils that will help eliminate disposable items like cutlery. This way you will always have a fork even if you forget to pack one in your lunch!

Use Natural Light
Let the sun shine through! Open up the curtains and let the natural light shine through. If it is bright enough, turn off the lights altogether and help save some energy.
Video Conference
Instead of having to drive or fly to a meeting, try video conferencing! Technology has come a long way, so much so that it almost feels like the person on the video call is actually in the room with you! Your company will save money on travel expenses and help the environment at the same time.

It’s time for your office to step its sustainability game and these are just the tips to help you do that! Help the environment by helping your office become eco-friendly by embracing anyone of these tips.
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