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Municipal Solid Waste Management Certification Course

Gain insight into the Municipal Solid Waste Management Cycle to make better decisions in regards to your waste management options.




The purpose of this academy program is to give insight into the municipal solid waste management cycle. This course will educate readers on what happens to their waste after disposal with the goal of helping businesses and individuals make better decisions in regards to their waste management options.


This course will be broken down into four chapters, each describing a different process or stage in the Municipal Waste Management Cycle, from planning and development through collection and disposal.

  1. Introduction to Municipal Solid Waste Management (MSWM)
  2. Guiding Principals of Solid Waste Management
  3. Municipal Solid Waste Management Workflow
  4. The Future of Municipal Waste Management

At the end of document will be a short summary multiple-choice test to ensure you grasp the concepts within.


If you are having trouble understanding the content in this course, or you wish to learn more about the topic, please refer to the reference section to explore additional resources available to explain in greater detail. These resources may be in video, or text form and are a method of supplementing the information given within the program.


Introduction to Municipal Solid Waste Management

Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) is the unwanted or discarded solid waste generated by residential, industrial, commercial and institutional organizations within a municipality. Over the past century there has been a mass migration of individuals and communities from rural environments to centralized urban landscapes like towns or cities. This, in conjunction with rising global economic and industrial prosperity, has led to a large increase in waste generation on a global scale. This change in waste generation needs a system in place for its proper collection, management and disposal, and while every municipality waste management plan may have slight variations, for the most part the overall framework is the same.

Why Do We Manage Our Waste?

First and foremost, the proper handling, transportation and disposal of generated Waste needs to be implemented to minimize the adverse affects on human health and the environment, with the overall intent of preserving the quality of life for the region. It also has the added benefit of supplying a stream of recycled materials into the economy that can be used to fabricate new products with significantly less environmental impact.

When it comes to environmental issues such as waste management there has been a growing shift in the way of thinking, the mantra for this shift is “Think globally, act locally”. What this means is that the many environmental issues facing the planet today cannot be solved with one over-arching solution, and no one nation should bare the brunt of the burden alone. Instead, the focus should be a bottom-up approach to environmental management by working with municipalities, business owners and industries to tackle the problems at a more manageable scale.

Adverse Effects of Improper MSWM on the Environment

Because of the variable nature of Municipal Solid Waste, the impacts on the environment can differ dramatically based on the sources and composition of the waste, as well as the processing and disposal options. But in most cases, improper management can lead to significant air, water and soil contamination issues.

Air Quality Issues
Open Burn

Besides the potential to cause unpleasant odors, improper storage and disposal of MSW can lead to quite significant air quality issues depending on the method of disposal. The worst case of air quality issues arises from an incredibly irresponsible method of disposal called “open burn” which is simply igniting large piles of waste to burn down the volume. While this doesn’t happen very often in developed countries with comprehensive waste management plans, in some parts of the developing world this is still common practice.


Instead of open burn practices, when municipalities have no land resources to deal with their waste they Incinerate it in large, controlled facilities. While the public opinion of incinerators has largely been adversely affected by the incinerator facilities of the 70’s and 80’s, the technology of incineration has dramatically increased leading to safer facilities with minimal emissions. However, facilities still have the chance of accidents that can result in concentrated harmful chemical plumes including sulphur and nitrogen dioxide being emitted from their facilities. We will discuss incineration and many other waste disposal options later on in this course

Organic Decomposition

Lastly, quality issues can arise from the decomposition of organic materials in Landfills and dump sites. When organic material decomposes, it releases methane, a harmful greenhouse gas that contributes to the effects of Climate Change. Methane has a warming potential 22x greater than carbon dioxide, meaning every 1 molecule of methane captures and stores as much heat as 22 molecules of carbon dioxide. There are methods of mitigating the release of methane that are implemented in many waste treatment sites, and will be discussed later in this program.

Water Quality Issues

The primary source of water quality issues in regards to waste disposal is leachate, which is defined as any liquid that, through the course of passing through matter, extracts soluble or suspended solids or any other component of the materials in which it has passed. Imagine the incredible diversity of waste within a landfill from batteries, leftover cleaning supplies, organic wastes, diapers and so many more. While most of those materials are not supposed to be landfilled, it happens more then you would think. As the liquid permeates from all these different materials, gravity settles it to the bottom of the landfill creating a toxic soup called leachate, if certain precautions are not in place the leachate can travel outside the landfill boundaries and contaminate the natural environment.

Soil Quality Issues
Surrounding Vegetation and Soil

Much like water quality issues, if the boundaries of the waste disposal site are not carefully controlled, substances can percolate through the soil entering into the natural environment. The toxic conglomeration of substances found within a landfill can have many types of harmful chemicals and heavy metals that can hinder the healthy development of natural vegetation. In addition, the escaping leachate has the capacity to significantly alter the pH of the soil, disrupting the natural environment of the microorganisms that contribute to healthy soil.

Adverse Effects of Improper MSWS on Human Health

The majority of effects witnessed on human health are a result of the effects discussed on the environment. Poor air quality can lead to short and long term respiratory illness when the population breathes in the smoke, vapours or dust given off by the variable materials, and more serious illness can arise depending on the toxicity of the burned materials.

If the containment system of a landfill fails to stop leachate from entering ground or surface waters it can cause a host of issues from illness, kidney and liver damage and worse depending on the nature of the leachate. You have to remember that bodies of water are not closed systems, contaminated water can travel hundreds of miles through underground aquifers and end up polluting natural bodies of water far away from the origination source. Aquatic organisms that live in these waters can accumulate toxins within their digestive systems transporting them up through the food chain where human ingestion would have a very large concentration of harmful materials.

Economical Benefits

Not only does managing municipal waste protect our natural resources, it also has many economical benefits as well. At the business level having a system in place to separate your many disposed materials actually has the chance to provide a source of revenue. Many companies who produce goods from raw materials are quickly learning the economical benefits of using recycled materials in place of virgin materials. This opens up the opportunity for smaller businesses to sell off their abundance of separated recyclable materials to a company who can use it in manufacturing processes.

Moving up the scale a little bit, municipalities are focused on proper MSWM to extend the lifetime of the expensive landfills they own and operate by separating out all the recyclable materials. Also, municipal landfills and dumps also do the best they can to separate wanted from unwanted materials. Many facilities have programs in place to sell bulk electronics, old tires and even wood to companies who can reuse these products. This is a win-win for both organizations, the landfill extends its life and creates a revenue, while the business or industry acquires materials at a discounted rate.


Principles of Municipal Waste Management

The management of Municipal Solid Waste is a process that has an incredibly large amount of moving parts, as a result of this the planning and implementation phase of developing a large-scale waste management plan are critical. By having in place a sound plan that clearly indicates and establishes to residents, businesses and industries how the municipality will achieve its shared waste management goals, all stakeholders can work collectively to reach the desired outcome. The following is a list of common principals that are shared by many municipalities around the globe.

Promote A Circular Economy and Zero Waste Solutions

A circular economy aims to achieve zero waste generation through the efficient and sustainable design of materials, products, businesses and systems. By designing products with its end-of-life destination in mind, we can transition away from the linear “purchase-use-dispose” consumer model we have come so accustomed to. By rethinking how we can use waste, we can redesign practices, processes and infrastructure to better accommodate the reintegration of recyclable products back into the economy for future use.

Promote the Waste Management Hierarchy

The Waste Management Hierarchy diagram helps individuals, businesses and municipalities to better prioritize what to do with products after their intended purpose has been fulfilled. It displays 4 options in order of most preferred reduce and reuse option, to least preferred landfill and disposal options.

Prevent the Disposal of Organic and Recyclable Waste

By developing more efficient practices and technologies to better separate undesirables from recyclable waste stream, the end product can have a greater economic value and be of better use to the recycling industry. Establishment and enforcement of disposal best practices will help to reinforce the sustainable attitudes of the waste management hierarchy.

Develop and Maintain Partnerships with Interested Parties

There are many people involved in a successful Municipal Solid Waste Management Plan, including Hauling services, landfill operations, environmental organizations, stewardship agencies and waste generators. Cooperative efforts on all fronts will be critical in achieving waste reduction goals. Special attention should be given to allow the regional marketplace to accommodate, compliment and make best use of stewardship programs and resources such as the Ontario Tire Recycling Stewardship.

Support Polluter and User-Pay Approaches While Managing Incentives

Provide incentives for users and manufacturers to manage materials to better support a circular economy and restrictions on disposal of products that can be recycled efficiently. In addition, further education and behavior changes can help achieve reduction targets by providing businesses and residents with the resources necessary to make informed decisions.


The Municipal Solid Waste Management Workflow

This section of the program is designed to communicate the general flow of municipal solid waste from the point of generation through to the method of disposal. In order to implement an efficient waste management system, municipalities must understand the type and frequency of wastes generated and then options and resources available to them for collection and disposal. By mapping out and having a thorough understanding of the process, municipalities are able to identify deficiencies and areas of improvement within their system.

Waste Generation and Sources

In 2009 the world produced approximately 1.3 billion tonnes of solid waste, this number is expected to reach 2.3 billion tonnes by 2025. WHO and The World Bank have been tediously conglomerating datasets from nations around the world to centralize waste management data and provide countries and businesses with a solid foundation of information to begin undertaking the enormous task of preparing for projected waste values. One outcome of these reports shows that populations living in an urban environment produce nearly twice as much solid waste as those living in rural communities, and that countries that have a higher level of economic development and industrialization have seen a direct correlation with the amount of MSW produced. As household income and standard of living rises, so does disposable income and consumption of goods and services which lead to increased waste generation. The populations in less developed countries produce anywhere from 0.1-2.0 Kg of waste/person/day while developed nations produce from 2.0-5.0 Kg/person/day.

When developing a MSWM system, the first thing that should be considered is what are all of the different types of waste generators found in their collection area. This can give a broad birds-eye view of the types of processing and disposal facilities necessary to handle the different types of waste generated by different sectors.

Municipal waste generators are generally classified into one of four categories:

Source Generators Composition
Residential Single and Multi-residential housing, apartment complexes, cottages and trailers etc. Organics, paper, cardboard, textiles, metals, glass, hazardous wastes (paints, batteries, cleaners), yard waste, wood
Industrial Construction sites, manufacturing and processing facilities, municipal services, chemical plants etc. Chemical and hazardous wastes, industrial materials, scrap metals, construction and demolition materials
Commercial Shopping centers, restaurants, hotels, sports stadiums, grocery stores, office buildings etc. Cardboard, paper, plastic, wood, packaging, glass, metals, hazardous waste
Institutional Hospitals, educational facilities, prisons government centers etc. Cardboard, paper, plastic, wood, packaging, glass, metals, hazardous waste, bio-waste

From the list above, you can imagine that the wastes generated from these different sectors have a great amount of variability within, and as such different methods of collecting, transporting and treating the waste may be necessary. For example, a municipality that has an abundance of manufacturing and industrial facilities within its boundaries may need chemical treatment facilities, or hazardous storage options for waste generated during manufacturing processes. While an urban community dominated by residential housing will have a greater need for specific programs, such as bulky item pick-up and curb-side collection to accommodate for the varying needs of individual households.

Collection and Transportation

Municipal waste collection and transportation is the collection of waste from the point of generation, and the subsequent transportation to the point of treatment or disposal. As you can imagine there is no one-size-fits-all method of municipal waste collection as there are many underlying factors in choosing a method that works best for the municipalities purposes, such as:

  • Municipal Waste Collection Budget
  • Waste Stream Separation
  • Size and Dispersion of Collection Region
  • Method and Distance of Final Disposal
Municipal Waste Collection Budget

The collection and transportation of generated waste can account for quite a large portion of the budget depending on the preferred method. It can involve capital investment in collection vehicles, sanitation employees, appropriate source separation containers and public education. Low-Income regions around the world can spend upwards of 90% of their budget on collection alone. This is because the primary function of waste management is to protect the public health, making the main priority to remove the waste from the point of generation and allocate it elsewhere away from populated areas. Conversely, high-income countries tend to have a more organized collection system with source separation, appropriate containerization, collection schedules and public participation allowing for a greater investment in safe disposal options.

Waste Stream Separation

Municipalities that separate their waste at the point of collection into categories like recyclables, organics and waste have higher Diversion Rates than those who do not. However, this does come at a cost in the form of separate collection vehicles, systems, treatment processes and public education. The municipality must look within its collection region and decide on the best method of separation based on the types of waste generated and the treatment and disposal options available to them.

Size and Dispersion of Collection Region

The size of the region can play a critical role in choosing an appropriate method of collection. If the municipality has a very large population spread out over a large area it may not be feasible to collect all the waste on one-day, leading to a very large fleet and waste collection schedule. In contrast, if the population is relatively small in a rural community where all generators are spread out, a waste collection contract might not be the most economical or efficient method of collection. In this case, individuals may be required to bring their waste to a centralized location where it is disposed of in a dump or landfill, or it is picked up and transferred for disposal elsewhere.

Method and Distance of Final Disposal

All three of the previously mentioned factors play a critical role in deciding the best possible method of disposal, but this choice also impacts the most efficient method of collection. Large urban municipalities with high population densities may not have the land resources to have a landfill or recycling facility within their boundaries. As a result, collection vehicles may be required to pick up all the waste and drop them off at a transfer station where the waste can be loaded up into larger transportation vehicles and brought to the nearest landfill.

Recycling and Resource Recovery

Recycling and resource recovery is the portion of a waste management plan where all the materials and products that have been deemed to have additional value after end-of-life are processed in such a way to allow them to be reused as raw materials. Earlier on in the MSWM planning phase, coordinators would have identified that separating materials at the source of generation has tremendous benefit as it allows for recyclable and reusable materials to be collected with very little stream contamination. The source separated materials are then collected and brought to a processing or resource recovery facility where they can be cleaned, broken down and reintegrated into the raw materials system.

Recycling facilities are very effective at what they do, through a combination of manual and mechanical sorting they are able to separate comingled recyclables with a very high degree of accuracy. For example, many recycling facilities incorporate some form of magnetic separation where steel and aluminum cans travelling down a conveyor belt will be removed from the comingled stream and separated accordingly. While the many different methods and technologies employed at a recovery facility are very successful at what they do, there are still manual laborer’s who act as quality controllers and separate materials that may have gotten through the sorting technology.

Traditional Recycling

The most common form of resource recovery is recycling. Materials made from types of plastic, paper, cardboard, glass, metals and more are labelled with an identifier code that informs the end-user it can be recycled, and what type of material it is composed of. As an example, the following chart displays common recycling identifier codes for plastic materials;

Symbol Code Description Examples
#1 PET Polyethylene Terephthalate Soft Drink Bottles
#2 HDPE High-Density Polyethylene Trash Cans, Laundry Detergent Bottles
#3 PVC Polyvinyl Chloride Plumbing Pipes, Flooring Materials
#4 LDPE Low-Density Polyethylene Plastic Bags, Soap Dispenser Bottles
Polypropylene Bumpers, Carry-out Beverage Containers
Polystyrene Toys, Beer Cups, Video Tapes
#7 Other Others Acrylic Plastics, Bioplastics

Since 1950, global production of plastics has increased from 1.5 million tonnes (Mt) to over 280 Mt. This production level is unprecedented and unsustainable as the primary material or plastics are petroleum and oil based, in order to minimize the environmental impact plastics must be reintegrated back into the economy through recycling whenever possible. This process reduces the amount of raw petroleum based materials necessary for manufacturing, and significantly reduces the amount of energy required to manufacture products using recycled inputs instead of virgin materials.

In order for reintegration to be successful however, there needs to be a market and infrastructure in place capable of supplying and processing recyclables in the timeframes and volumes necessary for production. As of now, the globally traded recycled plastic trade only accounts for approximately 5% (15Mt) of the annually manufactured new plastic products, with China responsible for 59% of all waste plastic imports. This large gap between new and recycled materials represents a system and infrastructure that has large areas of improvement, which the principle of “Circular Economy” aims to address.

Organic Material Recycling

Out of all the waste products that end up in landfills, approximately 30% of it is composed of organic materials, this includes yard and food scraps, agriculture and forestry debris, construction woods and more. These materials when deposited in a landfill breakdown through natural processes and release a harmful greenhouse gas called methane, which has 22x a greater Global Warming potential then carbon dioxide.

Not only does landfilling of organic waste contribute to the emission of greenhouse gases, it also removes valuable minerals and nutrients from natural processes. When food and yard waste decompose, they release the nutrients and minerals held within back into the soil, however, all these materials are basically lost and locked away within the landfill as there is no farming operations or other processes on a landfill to take advantage of them. The ideal method for disposing of organic wastes is to utilise some form of composting. By using specific practices and processes to safely breakdown organic waste in a controlled environment we can reduce the gas emissions, divert the organic material from entering the landfill and return the precious nutrients and minerals back into useable soil and compost to create a closed-loop cycle.

E-Waste and Stewardship Programs

With the price of oil continually creeping upwards, governments and businesses are realizing the power of recycling. The cost, in both dollars and energy, to acquire, process and reintegrate recycled materials is quite often smaller than using raw input. This affect is also being witnessed by the electronic manufacturing industry who utilise many types of precious and expensive materials like gold, silver and copper. There is a growing number of companies who are dedicated to collecting disposed electronics, separating all the materials within and salvaging the more expensive metals for resale, this unique form of recycling allows manufacturers to purchase back materials that were used to make old products, to reintegrate them into new products, reducing the volume of materials that need to be mined from the earth.

The electronic industry isn’t the only one seeing these types of developments, there are programs popping up all over that aim to capitalize on reusing and recycling disposed products in an environmentally and economically viable fashion. Another example is the Ontario Tire Stewardship Program which has built a network of companies and organizations that will collect used tires, diverting them from landfills, and using them to create new products. Recycled tire rubber can be used for many purposes such as an aggregate fill in types of pavement, and even creating porous driveway stones that help mitigate surface water runoff.

Final Disposal Options

At the end of the day, there just isn’t a sufficient and effective way to create and achieve a 100% diversion rate system, eliminating the need for waste disposal options, for now at least. As a result, there is still a need for a final resting place for discarded waste materials. There are many options available to municipalities for waste disposal and some of them are much more environmentally friendly then others, but like most other parts of the MSWM plan, each region may have different options and requirements for disposal. The following are a few methods of final waste disposal.

Municipal Dumping Site

A dump is one of the most rudimentary forms of waste disposal, generally consisting of a large valley, hole, mine or gulley in which residents simply “dump” their waste into. This is an incredibly irresponsible form of waste management as the composition of deposited waste is unknown and could contain materials hazardous to the environment and human health. There is little to no control systems in place to ensure contaminants such as leachate stay within the dump site. While regulations are tightening down on the creation of new open dump sites, there are many that are still active today.

Municipal Landfill

A landfill is a method of waste disposal in which the waste is compacted and buried under layers of Earth, it requires quite a large land investment and is ideally located away from the general population. While it is one of the oldest methods of waste disposal, technology and innovation have lead to the creation of highly sophisticated and safe landfill sites. Before a landfill is created the land and surrounding area is surveyed extensively for vulnerable habitats and species, hydrologic and geologic conditions, proximity to bodies of water and many other conditions. These help developers and engineers measure and mitigate the potential environmental impact a landfill site can have.

In addition to a rigorous site selection process, landfills employ many safety measures to help contain the materials buried within to protect human health and the environment, one of which is a leachate collection system. As you can imagine, the comingling of hundreds of tonnes of municipal waste can create quite a bit of nasty liquid called leachate. Leachate is generally extremely toxic to both the environment and human health, so containing within the landfill is of utmost importance to builders and engineers. The most common form of a leachate collection system consists of an incredibly thick impermeable plastic composite liner placed underneath the landfill at the point of construction. These layers ensure all waste stays within the landfill site and cannot permeate down through the soil into water systems below.

Another feature being employed at an increasing number of landfills is a methane gas capture system. You may recall that approximately 30% of all waste deposited in a landfill is organic in nature, and that when it breaks down it releases methane, a harmful greenhouse gas. Landfill gas capture systems retrieve the methane from the ground before emission and direct it towards a flaring system where the methane is burned off reducing its effectiveness as a global warming contributor. In some cases the landfill actually has a system in place to store the methane gas and use it for energy production.


Incineration is the controlled burning of municipal solid waste to reduce the volume and in some cases generated electricity from the generated heat. There are a few forms of waste incineration, the most common of which for municipalities is the moving grate incinerator where a large grate filled with solid waste passes over the burners which are kept around 1000C to ensure adequate breakdown of materials.

Like landfills, incinerators have undergone extensive technological advances in the past few decades and now can be considered one of the most effective and safe methods of waste disposal. Extensive technological advances have been made to reduce the amount of atmospheric pollutants and contaminants emitted from incinerators, reducing them to negligible levels according to the U.K Health Protection Agency, in addition, heat capture systems have made incinerators quite an effective energy producer.

It has been found that the “Bottom ash”, the solid residue leftover after combustion, is generally non-toxic and safe to dispose of in landfills, the combustion processes is capable of reducing volume of waste by 95%, greatly extending the lifespan of landfills. As energy prices continue to rise, and space available for municipal landfills is reduced, incineration will continue to become a larger and more appealing option for growing municipalities.


The Future of Municipal Waste Management

With many obvious and glaring inefficiencies, such as the unsustainable production of plastics and other non-recyclable products, it is becoming increasingly obvious that in the near future, the waste management industry is going to see a shake-up. As global waste generation continues to increase with the rise of populations and increasing spending power of less-developed countries, landfill space will continue to shrink, greenhouse gas emissions related to the manufacturing and transportation of virgin products will continue to rise and more municipal resources will have to be dedicated to the proper management and disposal of waste.

The following are some interesting and innovating ways that governments, corporations and municipalities are trying to do their part to help mitigate some of the impact of our unsustainable waste generation, and help to promote a Zero Waste society.

Extended Producer Responsibility

Faced with increasing amounts of waste, governments have been reviewing available options to place increasing responsibility on corporations and organizations to become responsible, financially or physically, for the post-consumer treatment and disposal of waste. The goal of this proposed initiative is to incentivize producers to create products with the end-of-life disposal options in mind, creating products that have less impact on the environment and are easier to recycle and reintegrate back into the material supply chain. While this is considered quite an aggressive waste management option, it wouldn’t happen all at once, it is proposed these changes be phased-in over a course of several years, increasing the producer responsibility gradually. This management option would be very effective at reducing the amount of waste generation at the source, rather than trying to manage it after the fact.

Biodegradable Plastics

Biodegradable plastics resins are not a new invention, and the use of them are expected to rise by 20% by the year 2020. Plastic resins can be created using organic compounds like the plant-based polylactic acid, which given the right conditions can biodegrade in natural conditions significantly faster than other plastic options. While in the future, some car parts, clothing and electronic materials may be made using bio-plastics, there is still an issue with labelling them as “bio-degradable”. When bio-plastics are comingled with non-biodegradable plastics, it can contaminate the entire load of materials, rendering it all waste. Biodegradable plastics will only be considered as an exceptional alternative if wide-spread adaptation of large-scale composting is undertaken, otherwise we run the risk of detrimental impact on the recycling progress we have made thus far, without any real added benefit of compostable materials.

Mandatory Organic Composting

Approximately only 5% of the 26 million tonnes of food that was wasted in 2012 avoided being landfilled. As a result, there are still millions of tonnes of decomposing organic waste found in landfills contributing to greenhouse gas emissions on a constant basis. While many municipalities have adopted some form of large-scale organic collections program, it is not yet mandatory for most of the country. If we are to begin managing our waste in a more sustainable manner, we should start with organic waste collection as approximately 30% of all waste that ends up in landfills is organic in nature. This would significantly reduce the amount of landfill space required and greenhouse gas emissions, while creating a nutrient-rich end fertilizer product that can be used by the city, or purchased by its residents creating a source of revenue.

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