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RECYCLING HOW TOS | General How To Information | Questions to Ask Your Hauler

Questions To Ask Your Hauler

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Before kicking off your Recycling program, you will need to contact your current Hauler. It’s important to review your current collection contract and see what areas needs to change, or perhaps it’s in tip-top shape and doesn’t require any changes at all! While looking at your current contract, you can also browse your other options by reaching out to alternate collection companies and compare what they can offer you.

Here are questions we recommend asking your current Hauler:

1. What streams does your organization collect?

2. Do recyclables need to be separated for pickup?

3. What is the acceptable contamination levels for each stream? Are there penalties for higher levels of contamination?

4. Are there any charges for the pickup of the recyclable materials?

5. Which facility does our Recycling & Waste go to?

6. What is our current collection contract? (look at cost, how frequently they empty your bins, etc.)

7. When does our contract end?

8. Is there an automatic renewal clause in our contract?

9. Will there be changes implemented upon renewal of our contract? (ex. additional fees)

10. Are there additional charges if we decide to increase or decrease services in our current collection program?

11. Will we be charged the same price for the collection of recyclables as garbage?

12. Do we receive rebates or have discounts applied for the sale of our recyclables if applicable?

13. Can you provide us with monthly weights of each Waste Stream collected?

14. What collection options do you offer that we don’t already utilize? (Ex. flexible collection schedule, on-call and scheduled pick-ups)

As with partnerships in general, the goal of asking these questions is to determine which Hauler best aligns with the goals of your organization. For example, the ideal Hauler provides the most cost-effective service, but also adheres to the strict sustainability goals that you’re trying to achieve. It’s generally best practice to avoid Haulers that provide the minimal amount of service for a flat rate.

Here are additional questions we recommend asking a new Hauler:

1. Can you provide a sample of your standard contract and include your cancellation policy?

2. Is there an automatic renewal clause in your contracts?

3. What materials do you collect?

4. Do you offer paper shredding services?

5. Where does each stream go and how is it processed?

6. Can you provide us with monthly weights of each waste stream collected?

7. Can we receive rebates or have discounts applied for the sale of our recyclables?

8. Do you accept commingled recycling?

9. What problem areas do you encounter in other collection programs? (Ex. do you find coffee cups aren’t recycled properly?)

10. What additional services do you provide?

Don’t know some of the answers from the above list of questions with your current Hauler? Feel free to ask your existing Hauler those questions as well! It’s important to be as knowledgeable as possible when it comes to your collection contract, this will help you and your Sustainability Team in the long run.

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