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Resource Center Instructions

Setting Up User Roles

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User Roles are an important piece of the Resource Center pie. User Roles provide users specific permissions within the Resource Center. Before understanding User Roles, you need to be privy to how Organizations work within the Resource Center.

User Roles at the Viewer, Member and Operator level are determined by the Organization. For example, a Viewer Role in Organization A does not have Viewer Role permissions in Organization B unless this user has been invited into Organization B. However, the Viewer Role does have permissions to view all of the Divisions within Organization A.

The Account Owner Role has permission to view all Organizations and Divisions in the Account.

  • Viewer – The Viewer Role allows the designated user to view any information in all divisions within the Resource Center. This role should be designated for those who are interested in taking a look at your data without the ability to edit or download any information.
  • Member - The Member Role allows the designated user to view any information in all divisions as well as input collection data. This role is best suited for those who will be servicing and auditing your containers on a daily basis. For example, an individual on your Janitorial staff.
  • Operator - The Operator Role allows the designated user to view any information in all divisions, input collection data, modify Stream Compositions, Materials, etc. This role is best suited for those who will be championing the Recycling & Waste collection program and monitoring the data most often. This person should be able to interpret the data to make informed decisions on how to improve the success rate of the program in their organization.
  • Account Owner - The Account Owner role allows the designated user to view any information in all divisions, input collection data, modify Stream Compositions, Materials, etc. As well as, change permissions or remove other users. This role should be designated for a single individual in charge of taking a 10,000ft look of either one or multiple organizations.

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