We recommend conducting station audits daily so that you have the most accurate and up-to-date information about your program. Our suggestion is to get your custodial staff on board with the station audits so that they can conduct them as part of their daily routine.
While at first this may seem daunting, once it becomes part of the regular routine it shouldn't take up much of their time, and you will have access to glorious data that will keep your program on track!
Follow these steps when collecting Station Audit Data to be sure you have updated and accurate information.
We also recommend conducting a Composition Audit once every six months. This will make sure that your stream compositions are kept up to date and will allow the Resource Center to provide you with the most accurate information available.
Follow these instructions when collecting Composition Audit Data, and make sure you're wearing all the necessary Personal Protective Equipment during these audits.
Update staff and students on how the program is going using some of our marketing materials: