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Setting Up Your Containers

Best Practices

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While the hardest part is over, you've still got some work to do to make sure your recycling program is successful! The best way to do this is to make sure that you make recycling easy for users!

Consider these tips when deciding how to place your bins at each of your Collection Stations:

  • Place Recycling and Waste Together – Sometimes it can be tempting to separate your waste bins from your recycling bins, but we don't recommend it! You want to make recycling simple for users, and so giving them all options for their refuse material increases the likelihood that they will recycle when they can. If bins are separated, many people will just put their refuse in whatever bin is closest. Sometimes this will cause recyclables to end up in the waste bins, and other times it will cause contamination in the recycling bins. Neither scenario is good for your program.
  • Cover the Exits - Make sure that you have Recycling & Waste Collection Stations near all major exits/entrances. People expect to find containers near these locations, so they will often hold on to their refuse until they are entering or exiting a building.
  • Point Signs and Labels Outward - When placing signage and adhering labels to your containers, consider how the user will see them. If the containers are up against a wall, this is typically easier. You make signage and labelling visible from the front of the bins so that users can see them clearly when approaching the bins. If the containers are away from a wall or have many sides from which people could approach them, make sure that there is labelling and/or signage visible from each side. Sometimes labelling on the tops of the bins work best for this, but other times you need clear insrtuctions on all sides of your containers. Look at the situation from a user's perspective and plan accordingly.
  • Maintain Position - We've said it before - consistency is key. When setting up your bins, keep the same order of bins from left to right. If, for example, you have three streams everywhere and you've set up your first station with Waste on the left, Mixed Recyclables in the middle and Organics on the right, set up your next station in the same order. Even if you drop one of the stations in some locations, keep the order as consistent as possible. While this isn't always possible (such as when the bins are accessible from all angles), this practice supplemented with signage and labelling as well as color cues will make things even easier for users.

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