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Station Audit

Roles and Responsibilities

An Image

Many hands make light work! But how many hands do you need for your Station Audit? And what should those hands be doing during the audit? We've come up with a list of roles and responsibilities you should assign to your team as well as suggestions for how many people you should have doing each one.

Who should do what?

There are no small roles, only small auditors! Here are the roles we suggest assigning for your Station Audit.

  • The Coordinator This is the person who will collect all the data from each division once the audits have been conducted. They will make sure that no stations have been missed and that all the data is complete.
  • The Expert This individual should make sure that everyone understands exactly how the data is to be collected, when it should be collected, and where all the stations are. They should be present during the audit (at least on the first day) to make sure that accurate data is being collected at each station.
  • Recorder This individual will be recording the data that is collected about each stream at each station using this template. This person should be able to visually estimate what percentage of the bin is full, and the approximate level of contamination in each bin. You need at least one Recorder at division's Station Audit, but having two or more people make the estimates individually will allow you to compare results and get even more accurate information.
  • Marketers You're doing a great thing here, you should definitely document the experience! Have at least one person around to take photos or video of the audit, and at least one person who can write about the whole experience. Share your successes with the world and inspire others to put in the same effort!

Please Note! You can decide to have one team of the individuals listed above conduct the audit at every station in every division of your organization, OR you can have one team of the individuals listed above for EACH division around your organization. Just make sure that ALL the data goes to one person at the end to make sure it all gets entered into the Resource Center.

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