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Why is Recycling Important?

Shaun Wakefield | September 14th, 2017

Whether this link caught your eye because you genuinely want to know why recycling is important, or you’re just looking for affirmation of what you already know, we are glad you are here! Let’s start by saying recycling is one of the easiest things you can do as an individual to have a positive impact on the environment and the system is already in place, really you need to only throw your refuse in the correct container! Easy! However, according to the U.S Environmental Protection Agency, only 34.5% of Americans recycle on a regular basis. So, what can you say to people who are uninformed, or just too lazy to be bothered on the benefits of recycling?


Benefits of Recycling

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It Saves Energy - The energy required to make products using recycled materials is significantly less than the energy required to make products from raw materials. Consider this, it takes 20x the energy to create an aluminum can from raw materials when compared to recycled. You could create 20 recycled aluminum cans for the same energy cost as one!

It Conserves Raw Materials -It’s no secret that recycling conserves resources. By collecting used plastics, metals and glass, and processing them into new materials, we reduce the need to extract, refine and process fresh resources from the Earth. Many of the resources necessary to create these materials are finite in nature, like oil for plastics, and anything we can do to reduce the stress on these resources is beneficial for us and the environment.

Reduces Landfill Space -Landfills are unsightly, smelly and toxic areas as they contain all of the waste generated by residents, commercial organizations and industries in the region. The U.S Environmental Protection Agency estimates that nearly 75% of all waste that ends up in the landfill is recyclable. By gaining more participation in recycling we can significantly reduce the volume of waste in landfills, and by extension, the number of landfills needed!

Great for the Environment -Most of the aforementioned benefits of recycling also have an additional added benefit, the reduction of generation of harmful greenhouse gases like methane and carbon dioxide! Many forms of energy production, resource extraction, material collection, material refining and processing practices require combustion of fossil fuels such as oil and gasoline, either directly or by extension. Participation in recycling greatly reduces the amount and frequency of these practices and as a result dramatically reduce greenhouse gas generation!

How Can I Become a Better Recycler?

So you’ve read the benefits, you understand the importance and now you are wondering what can you do to become a better recycler…what’s next?

Contact your Local Hauler

A good place to start is to communicate with your recycling hauler and identify what types of materials they collect. Some recycling facilities do not have the equipment or processes to recycle certain types of materials, being able to determine what can be recycled and what cant is an excellent starting point. Ask if they have any marketing materials like flyers, brochures, signage or magnets you can place near your containers that visually display what can be placed in the recycling bin.

Start Composting

Composting is the decomposition of organic materials, like food waste, into usable, nutrient rich soils. It is nature’s way of recycling. Organic wastes make up approximately 42.5% of the average landfills contents, having an organic collection and composting system at your home or office is an excellent way to remove a large portion of waste that is landfilled. In addition, when organic material is deposited into a landfill and decomposes underground it releases methane which is a harmful greenhouse gas.

Reduce and Reuse

Often the first two R’s of Reduce, Reuse, Recycle are forgotten, this is unfortunate because they are much more effective at reducing your impact on the environment. Reducing the amount of products you purchase, especially those with excessive packaging, completely eliminates those wastes from entering the landfills.

Now that you’re all Rah-Rah Recycling, be sure to check out a few of our many blogs about a variety of different environmental topics such as…

Remember, recycling isn’t just one individuals job, or responsibility. Next time you see a co-worker, family member or friend not recycling, or being wasteful, remind them of all the great benefits of recycling!

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