Your Direct Source for Customizable Recycling Bins & Waste Containers

Ryan Hickman Junior Ambassador

Busch Systems® partners with Jr Recycling Ambassador, Ryan Hickman!


Barrie, Ontario, July 10, 2023 – International Recycling and Waste Container brand Busch Systems re-engages partnership with 13-year-old California-raised Recycling Entrepreneur Ryan Hickman as Junior Ambassador to encourage more youth to recycle.

What started as a trip to the local recycling center with his dad at age 3 ½ has turned into an incredible journey of almost 2 million cans & bottles recycled – and over $15,000 raised for Pacific Marine Mammal Center. I’ve talked to hundreds of classrooms of kids and it’s been fun to travel around the world and speaking to large audience about making a difference says Ryan, Junior Ambassador.

Ryan travels around the world promoting his business “Ryan’s Recycling,” educating students through his nonprofit organization Project3R, and organizing some large beach cleanups. Ryan’s story went viral back in 2016 when he hit the milestone of recycling 200,000 cans and bottles and has since been featured on many platforms including The Ellen DeGeneres Show, Little Big Shots, CNN, USA Today, and was a 2017 CNN Young Wonder. Ryan’s nonprofit organization, Project3R, was also named the 2022 California Nonprofit of the Year. At the most recent count, Ryan has now kept 1.9 million cans and bottles out of landfills and the ocean through 10 years of dedication & raising recycling awareness.

Busch Systems is thrilled to have Ryan as our Junior Ambassador again, to continue the work we started back in 2019. You can read our recent interview with Ryan Hickman here, and be sure to follow along his journey at and


For additional information or sample copy, contact:

Rebecca Rainey

(705) 722-0806 – Office


Busch Systems International, Innovative Designs Inspiring Change.

Busch Systems has been a prominent designer and retailer of recycling, waste and composting containers for over 35 years, leading the way with an innovative and constantly-expanding catalogue which also includes access to recycling and waste program experts. All products are 100% recyclable and proudly made in North America.